Download Droid Scan Pro PDF v5.7.3 APK. Droid Scan is a mobile app that
turns your phone or tablet into a portable document scanner. With Droid
Scan you can transform images captured with your camera into
professional multi-page PDF documents in just a few clicks. Droid Scan
Pro has these unique, state of the art features: - Batch processing,
including turbo capture and batch convert, so that multi-page documents
can be created with just a few taps. - Document shape recognition, for
perfectly shaped, professional-looking scans in standard formats like US
Letter, US Legal, A4, A3, etc.
Scan Pro>>>Android ဖုုန္းကေန စာရြက္တုုိ႕ဘာတုုိ႕ တစ္ခုုခုုကုုိ
ဒီေဆာ့၀ဲေလးအသုုံးျပဳျပီး scan ဖတ္လုုိ႕ရပါတယ္။ Android ဖုုန္းကုုိ Scanner
အျဖစ္အသုုံးျပဳလုုိ႕ရေစတာေပါ့။ ေနာက္ျပီး ဒီေဆာ့၀ဲေလးနဲ႕ scan ဖတ္ျပီးရင္ pdf
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Click Me>>>>Download
Click Me>>>>>>Download
Mobile ျဖင့္ပတ္သက္ေသာ Software Error ႏွင့္ Hardware Error မ်ားကို & တြင္ေမးျမန္းႏိုင္ပါသည္။
ၾကယ္စင္ဟိန္း(Mobile Special Services)
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လူဆိုတာ ကိုယ္သြားမယ့္လမ္းေၾကာင္းကိုသိရမယ္...ဘာလုပ္ခ်င္လဲသိရမယ္..မသိတဲ့သူကေတာ့ မ်က္စိမွိတ္ျပီးလမ္းေလွ်ာက္တဲ့ အရူးတစ္ေယာက္နဲ႕တူတယ္